- Social Services
- Geriatric Healthcare
- Financial Care
- Housing
- Training
- Presentations
SMI Brochure
Human Resources:

Ginell Butler
Executive Director

Rebekah Miller
There’s an assortment of ‘healthcare’ issues’. Senior Moments provides assessment and evaluation on various healthcare matters, such as hospice and palliative care, chronic diseases, i.e. cancer, hypertension, diabetics, dementia. In most cases ‘caregiving’ is required.
Contact SMI for your healthcare assessment and evaluation.
Caregiving is a derivative of “Caregiver”. Basically, most of us will provide or receive basic assistance or care during our lifetime. A caregiver is anyone who provides basic assistance and care for someone who is frail, disabled or ill and needs help. In caring for others here are some ways to show love and care “ALWAYS”:
- Agree never Argue
- Redirect never Reason
- Distract never Shame
- Reassure never Lecture
- Reminisce never say “Remember”
- Repeat never say “I already told you”
- Ask never Command
- Encourage and Praise never condescend
- Reinforce never Force